Semi Automatic Nest |
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Semi Automatic Nest

Semi Automatic Nest

Product code : 301633
Dimensions: 125 x 112 cm (h) Weight: 80 kg / ± 3% Meterial: 275 gr / m² Thickness: 1 mm

Product Description:

Aytav, Semi Automatic nest system provides a comfortable environment for laying activities that need to take place at the maximum comfort level.

It is aimed to create a natural and warm environment with the materials used in the nest system.

Thanks to all these features, egg yield and quality in this hen is maximized and the amount of dirty eggs is minimized. For this reason, the quality and number of chicks obtained from this egg will increase. The productivity rate of the nest reaches the highest level.

Product Features:

Rubber mat
Egg collection drawer
Egg slope adjustment
Plastic perching profiles
Ventilation holes


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